If you are overzealous, Christian and pro-life, I hope I offend you

Sep 23, 2010 23:02

I went to the Puyallup Fair with Jeremy today. During the last half hour or so before we needed to catch our bus, we went into the Pavilion near the Blue Gate. Jeremy decided to sit down while I looked around a little. Unfortunately I was accosted while passing by Pierce County Human Life booth. I did not stop to talk to them or express any interest, the guy pulled me right out of the aisle as I walked by asking me if I had seen the stages of fetal development. I said I have a degree in biology so yes I have seen that and tried to keep going. But wait have I seen the 4D ultrasound? Yes, my daughter-in-law had that I said and tried to keep going. Did I want their brochure? I am pro-choice so no I am really not interested in their brochures and I really don't want to discuss this with him. I feel strongly about a woman's right to have an abortion but it is not a discussion I want to get into with these idiots. Unfortunately they know how to lure people in with the right questions and idiotic inflammatory statements that just cannot go un-rebutted. I am not even going to go into the stupidity of their arguments. They do have their own propaganda that they recite into the common reasons for supporting abortion, but the two most popular responses he had were "that is a logical fallacy" and "that is just semantics." He kept trying to say to me "as a biologist I should know." I asked him if he was a biologist and he admitted he was not. I informed him that since he was not a biologist, he really doesn't know what I know "as a biologist."

So that whole conversation was an intrusive and annoying waste of my time, but not really what I am angry about. Overzealous Christian pro-life man had his overzealous Christian pro-life teenage son with him. Jeremy came looking for me and teenage zealot boy leaps on him with brochures and propaganda. I said loudly and in my best no-sense-of-humor voice Do Not Approach Him. Zealot boy proceeds to ignore me and try again. I repeat myself with even less sense of humor. Zealot boy keeps trying. I physically put myself in between him and Jeremy and give him the death glare while repeating Do Not Approach Him. Finally zealot dad gets a clue and tells his son to back off. Zealot boy still does not want to back off of my child. Zealot dad finally gets him under control, tells me how sorry he supposedly is, and proceeds to lure me back into the subject before I can escape. I finally manage to escape when I announce I have to catch a bus. He tries to let me know how nice it was to talk to me. I let him know that I did not appreciate him persisting in his attempt to convert me after I tried to walk away several times but I was really angry about his overzealous son accosting my 13 year old autistic nephew. I do not feel this subject was in any way appropriate for Jeremy and as the parent it is my right to decide that. His answer was that he had already apologized for that. It is something I almost never invoke, but if I deem it necessary I will decide what I will allow my child to hear and I have every right to do that. Christians always seem to be squawking about their right to fill their head full of Christian propaganda and to control what their child reads or what TV they watch or music they listen to, but apparently that applies only to them. I don't think this group should have been allowed to set up a table at the fair since it is such a controversial subject, but they definitely should not be allowed to bother people who haven't even approached their table. They most definitely should not be allowed to approach children without their parent's consent and obviously should not talk to children when specifically told not to by the parent. It is clear to me in many ways that pro-life people only care about making sure children are born. They don't care about the ones that are already here.

I am going to write a complaint to the fair about this group.
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