you only call when you want something

Jul 13, 2009 10:31

So can I even call myself a blogger anymore? Shesh.

I'm home from work sick today with a killer sore throat. I tried looking up symptoms on the internet to make sure it wasn't anything serious; all indications are that it's probably a cold. Meanwhile, I just tried the gargle warm saltwater trick for the first time and it was surprisingly effective! I don't know how long it will last but it really has dulled the pain!

The sun keeps coming and going... come on little sun, shine and dry my sheets!

I am hoping to be mildly productive today. I'd love to do my tax but I need to wait for Seumas to get his group certificate first. But the sheets were on the line by 9am and I am trying to psych myself up to vacuum our bedroom. Er... that's kind of all I have planned... but that's still something for a sick person! Honestly I am just really trying not to get bored and moody. I was home most of yesterday and being inside for extended periods of time depresses me. Also Seumas is at a conference all day so there's no-one to play Catan with (my favourite home-sick activity).

On Saturday Karen and I went to see the So You Think You Can Dance Australia show with this year's top ten. I hadn't been prepared for the fact that it was aimed at tweens (and I hate being told to 'make some noise') but the dancing was great. Really highlighted how fantastic Charlie is and Timomatic is a great showman. The winner, Talia, doesn't come across well on stage though. I think when you aren't really close up you miss a lot of her precision. Plus she's so tiny! But good times. Oh, also Karen introduced me to a great food court where I had grandma tofu and this sweet taro soup stuff. I want to go back there with Seumas; I reckon that one serving could easily do both of us!

After the show we caught the bus back to Karen's place for her Gaiman-themed birthday party. She went as Death; Seumas and I were 'Goths Who Wish They Were Gaiman Characters'. I was wearing the awesome arty dress that co-incidentally Karen had given me a couple of months ago so that was fun but sadly my dress attacked a cup of coke and made a mess on their lovely new carpet. Gomen! Also I think short story readings should be done at more parties.

Life in Macquarie Fields continues on as ever... there were some questions about funding for next year that still kind of remain but I'm not stressed about it. If God wants us here then here we will be. I've really enjoyed having prayer triplet with Corinne and Katherine so losing that would suck but there's not a lot I can do anyway so...

I bought iTunes credit on special, forgetting that iTunes never sells any of the artists I like. :p

Oh, and if you aren't a Christian you may like to tell my husband why.

sick, macquarie fields, friends

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