Feb 05, 2009 22:32
It has been a long 24 hours. On Tuesday evening cameron began to complain about a pain in his left leg. I wrote it off as growing pains. When we arrived home he was complaining so much that it hurt that he could not walk and only crawl. I gave him some tylenol and put him to bed. The next morning wheen he woke up he awoke is such agony. He could not move his leg. As I tried to help him move it he screamed out with pain and tears began to roll down his face. I called a coworker she said that growing pains are not usually that bad so I paged Dr.. He agreed to meet me at the office to look at Cam. His insurance just changed so he could not order tests. He thaught an xray and blood work would be good to just make sure it wasn't anything serious. I called Cameron's new Dr. Dr. Tegou. My mom came down and picked him up. She hung around until 2 in the afternoon. The horror began when I entrusted my sons care to this horrible speciman of a "Dr.". He was reccomended to me by a person I once trusted. I should have known better then to listen to another person's opinion. (Mother Fucker) So at this encounter this "Dr." exmined my son. He poked and probed him asked a few questions, even called me. i was feeling good at this point. My son is in good care! My day was shattered when I recieved a tear filled phone call from my mother " Tawny, I don't want to tell you this, but the Dr. thinks that Cameron may have muscular distrophy!"...... "What?! What the hell are you talking about?" "Yes, he thinks he may have muscular distrophy besause he cannot squat like a normal child his age should." "Of course he cannot bend he is in pain! That is stupid, Cameron does not have muscular distrophy. Look stay calm he is just trying to let us know he is looking for something. He wants us to be scared to hurry and get results. It is ok." I hung up the phone and broke down. The fear settled in that something could really be wrong. Not just growing pains or an injury from playing at the park the day befor. I called Dr. Kater at home. Crying i told him the story. Both he and his wife were just appaled by this Dr.s audacity. They were compassionate having had a Dr. do the same thing to them when therre son was Cam's age. HE told me that Cam does not have the symptoms that he is a normal active child. That he is wrong to throw around diagnosis' without any tests first and that he is judging Cams flexibility when he can't even walk from pain and that it seems more joint then muscle. i felt better when i hung up the phone. My mother drove Cameron all overr San Diego to do blood work and xrays. i had her tell all of the places to send the results to a real Dr., Dr. Kater. So I made an attempt to go about my day, but the seed that my son may be ill kept growing. The seed was planted. My fear of muscular distrophy was gone, but a real fear setteled in. He has complained of this pain on occasion for a year. oh my god! what if it is cancer! He is going to lose his leg or his life. Working in the medical field does this to you. i see it all the time. Cancer took a fried of mines life 4 years ago. Colon cancer, she was gone within 9 months of the diagnosis. None of us ever really thaught she would go. And now my son. I was making plans on how to make the last months good for him. i was going to take him to disney land today if the xrays came back abnormal and then take a trip to montana while he could. I have no idea what i would do without his existance. A person in this world i truely love unconditonally. my life revolves around him. i have broken up with people because of thier interaction with him.
I made it through the night. woke up early realised i had 2 1/2 hours befor work so i went running to calm my nerves.
Cleaned the house.
finally it was timee to go to work.
fortunately the xrays were waiting on my desk, normal! i sighed with relief. now just wait for the blood. they came, normal!
Just as i always knew he was fine. But what that dr did to my family is unforgivable. i am changing cams dr. as fast as i can. and once i no longer need that monster i will find ways to file complaints against him. i will not let this pass. this is the second time that man has hurt me. he pulled a similar trick with an ex. told him he fucking had cancer because his fucking boob hurt! stressed him out so much that he acted crazy and to calm him down gave him an herbal regiman! (he had just lost his wife to cancer) we broke up because of this man. it is he who possibley ruined any chance of us working, because i was never fully able to be fully comfortable with him after that. the fear was there and once you fear a person it takes a long time to get beyond that pain, if ever.
i that man and hope that no one has to go through that again. there just is not a way to express my anger and pain simply with a combination of letter spelling words. i will neverr forgive him.