We used to sing.

May 24, 2007 11:03

I'm about to tell you what I like about Kelly Clarkson. When I bike to and from work I tend to sing to myself--that is, when I'm not venting my rage at asshat drivers. This morning's Radio Free Becca was "Brown-Eyed Girl." And it got me thinking about having hazel eyes. No one sings about hazel-eyed girls (or boys, for that matter). And I know at least one person--Steve-o--who insists that hazel isn't a real color. I'm not a supremacist or anything, but I think hazel eyes are lovely, if I do say so myself, and should be celebrated in song. And then I thought of Kelly Clarkson. She does have a song called "Behind These Hazel Eyes." So I like her for that.

It's not all deep thoughts over here, kids. Especially this week.

I caved into my flakiness and bought the DVDs yestereve. Third Best Buy I tried. Well, more specifically, I didn't buy the original set I had been looking for. I bought another set that I also wanted but that cost much more than the ones I was looking for. They still cost much more than the one I was looking for, but Best Buy did have them for about $20-$30 less than anywhere else I'd seen them. So I justified it as "a bargain too good to pass up." Clearly, I cannot be trusted to look out for my own interests, because if I couldn't afford the cheaper set, how could I afford the more expensive one? Capitalist, consumerist dog.

Oh well.

I slept a little better last night. No leaping about due to imagined bug attacks. Well, at least none that I remember. I was literally dead by 10:30. I was mostly dead from about 5 o'clock onwards, but I muddled through Writing Group because I enjoy that shit. But biking home was physical pain. I was so tired that I was yawning as I peddled and had difficulty getting my little feets to go round. That's not a fun sensation when you are simultaneously trying to avoid getting squished by passing traffic.

Ooh, and I found out that I will have two unused vacation days left by the time I quit. So I'm getting paid for those. That's only $265 extra [before taxes], but it's enough to cover the extra $37.50/month the Collective is now paying for the Hive (due to the lease extension) over the course of the summer. Couple that with the cost of living increase I just got and the extra paycheck I'll be getting because I'm working until the middle of June, and I might actually be able to survive this summer. It'll still be rough and probably foodless at times, but it will be doable.

I can't decide if I want to do a practice test this eve. I really, really, really should. But those bitches take, like, four hours. I don't get home until 5:30. Do I really want to be testing myself until 9:30 at night? Gah.
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