Server Error

May 17, 2007 12:14

Oh holy Christ! My internet connection here at work has been getting slower and more unstable as the week goes on. At first I thought it was my computer, but now I'm almost positive there is something up with our network. Mostly that stems from the fact that the tech guy is insisting nothing is wrong. Whenever he has given me such assurances in the past it has always boded ill. I am left with the theory that either something important somewhere has crashed, or somebody in this office is using an incredible amount of bandwidth and clogging the whole system. It took me five tries and twenty minutes to get into email this morning. My homepage hasn't completely loaded since I got online at 9:30. Even LJ is bitching around. And today, of course, is a day for a google project. If you hear incoherent screaming echoing throughout the lanes of fair Gotham, know that it is me losing my damn mind.



Let's try a little Zen here. After all, this evening is the long-awaited CSI finale. Woo! I find myself suddenly optimistic as I just heard that Billy Petersen and Jorja Fox are doing a "Behind the Scenes" for The Early Show tomorrow. If girlfriend wasn't coming back, would they have her on? I hope not. I'm taking it as a good sign at any rate. Still, between now and then (tomorrow or July-September--whenever I finally find out how this whole drama's gonna go), there is the Wee Hand of Suffering and some armsex to look forward to. My inner fangirl has fought her way free of my rational mind for this one. Those fuckers better not disappoint because she can be a real bitch when she's let down.

Aaaaaaaaanyway ...

I was supposed to head out to Shea last eve. I even had Writing Group postpone a week because of it. Then it rained. So: no baseball, no Writing Group. That sucks. However, it did give me the opportunity/impetus to rework a draft for Other Writing Group that I was supposed to have turned over last week. This is the second/third (depending on how you count 'em) draft of a story I gave to Writing Group a few weeks ago. I made some of their suggested tweaks, so I hope the story turned out the better for it. We'll see.

Speaking of writing groups, Writing Group is supposed to come up with a list of our five most important must-read books (I took it to mean both most important to read as a writer and as a person in this society). I worked one out the other day while at lunch with Bradley, though I'm always up for suggestions. These kinds of lists make my poor little Libra brain explode because I can always think of ties and recounts and reconsiderations. Here is mine as it currently stands:

-The Old Man and the Sea by Papa
-The Dr. Seuss library (You had to know I'd have at least one cop-out on here.)
-The Bible, especially the New Testament
-The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
-One Hundred Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez

I also went ahead and made a list of my top five authors to read both as a writer and as a person in this society:

-TS Eliot
-Dr. Seuss
-Cormac McCarthy

What are yours? What suggestions for or arguments against do you have for mine?
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