
Jul 10, 2017 23:58

As many of you know, Sasha had been sick for a long time now. She had been doing relatively well for a 14-yo dog with myelopathy, but in the last 3 days it really seemed like she was not having any fun anymore.

So, today, at 5:40 PM, her veterinary started her with a Propofol injection, which sedated her, and when she fell asleep she was given a cocktail of barbiturates that gave her euthanasia at 5:45. She passed peacefully, and hopefully she's now in a better place.

We would appreciate not getting any copies of the Rainbow Bridge (or whatever the title to such poem/text is). We know it's supposed to give people some comfort and it probably works for many, given the popularity, but it has the reverse effect on us.

Making the decision was hard, but it gives us comfort to know that she passed peacefully and painlessly and did not have to endure any more discomfort before she died.

She will be missed a lot, but that goes without saying anyway, and even if she could have lived another 3 years in great comfort and without any pain it would still not have been long enough.

We feel that there is no doubt that any dog that kept their family amused and safe (we still have all our fingers!) and loved their family unconditionally like she did for over 14 years deserves all the good the Universe can give, and the very least we could do for her was, as the doctor told us, offer her the same peaceful death the great Michael Jackson had, may he also rest in peace.

Please treat yourselves, each other, and especially pets, gently and lovingly in her memory, today and always.


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