inspired by
writerswife The Buck is a wonderful father.
The Kid is beautiful.
And perfect.
And smiles and coos at me.
Our parents are all very helpful.
I can wear some of my pre-pregnancy clothes!
The weight is still coming off! 15 pounds to go!
The baby blues only lasted a few weeks and are completely gone now. And the Buck was amazingly supportive during them.
Watching my daughter eat. She's got cute chubby thighs and an adorable chubby chin and attacks the breast with amazing relish. It's hilarious to watch. Which only the Buck and I get to do. Hah! ;)
That I love being a mother. Given that I've never really been interested in having children and that I've always been at best indifferent to other people's children, I was more than a little worried that I wouldn't like motherhood or that I would be indifferent to my own child. This is happily not the case. I adore my daughter and now can understand why mothers don't always want to go back to work after childbirth.