So I was hoping to use the blog to just expand a little bit on some of my thoughts stemming from my Forging a Steampunk Fantasy article in
Beadwork Magazine. In the Treasure Hunt part of the article, I discussed several different lines and styles of components that I think can be used to create steampunk styled jewelry. These are items that I think embody the spirit and history of steampunk, which can be incorporated into a steamy look. First up, the gorgeous line of
Vintaj Brass. I have blogged about Vintaj a lot, because I just love working with it. Brass is a perfect metal for steampunk, and the Vintaj components have an aged brass finish merging with the old styled Victorian and Art Nouveau/Deco designs which immediately gives it an appearance and sense of history. I have always been an aged silver sort of person, but working with brass has really changed my whole way of working, and has inspired me in new ways. Something about brass makes it really warm and gives an immediate hand wrought feeling to jewelry, it is very magical. I am quite drawn to it and *whee!* I just placed another order today to create some new simple pieces for my fall jewelry line. I am very excited about it.