Well I have been a pretty sporadic blogger lately, eh? I have missed blogland a lot lately but I have been very busy with travelling and piles and piles of real life things. It's been hard to collect my thoughts to share. Well, I suppose that is ok, some things can just be a private part of my process. I have many secret things happening! I am bubbling about them, but it's not time to share them yet! Some of these things are new press items that will be out before I know it, which I can't wait to share with all of you! I also have just poured a mold for a fourth new tile mold, which I am excited to launch this fall. Not much on the bead and design front, just trying to keep up with orders and work on website changes and etsy stuff. Its slow, but coming along. I just wanted to check in and give a little *wave* hello, to let you all know that I am well and working, and hope to be my regular bloggy self soon. I am taking another few days away from the house and studio this weekend, but hope to check into my email on occasion, so drop me a line if you need anything. *whee!*
How about I leave you with some vintage Depeche Mode until I "see you" again?
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