Ok, while I am still feeling mushy about our wedding anniversary, I want to share with you a funny story about my first date with
He asked me out, and was so shy to do so. And I was a freshman in college and not really looking for a serious relationship, I was so engrossed in my studies, so I was probably pretty chilly and unresponsive to his attempts at flirtation. But he managed to ask me out and we had our first date. It was during the day, in between classes so we didn't have much time, and he was totally broke, so he couldn't spend much money, which was fine by me...a casual date was perfect. We had nachos for lunch at a local bar and then just parked and talked and walked along the Detroit River and chatted.
So I noticed while driving around in his car, there was a cassette tape. An audio one, and it said TREK on it, with probably some numbers, which were probably stardates (I know this now). I asked what it was and he blushed and took it away and hid it. I prodded and asked again, and he caved in and said, it was a "Star Trek" that he and his friends made. huh?
So I asked, so you like, taped the sound off the TV when an episode was on?
And he said, still blushing, no, we acted out our own episode and recorded it. oh, I see.
Alas, I discovered the depth of his nerd-itude, right there, on our very first date.
At least I knew immediately what I was getting into, huh? And we have been together ever since.
I love my Trek Nerd.