above, some stuff coming out of the kiln recently. Just making a brief appearance in front of the Earthenwood camera and the blog before they leave to go to their new homes. These are all the gunmetal glaze finishes, wiped almost entirely off the high areas. I am still testing this, how much to wipe off. I like it both as the version on the site where it is a more subtle finish, and this where there is more contrast. They might end up as two separate finishes. More testing needed...
I checked the website stats yesterday and found that visits to our sites just about quadrupled in the last few days, and I was not sure why! Turns out
Chuck had an interview posted at a Magic the Gathering forum called
MTGSalvation. You can read it here:
clickage. It was really well done, I am proud of him! Aw, and how sweet, he mentioned me several times. Very thoughtful! Below, one of his Magic Cards and below that, a few quotes from the article that I adore!
"here's a little kernel of brilliance for you, you big brained monkey.. Go put your opposable thumbs to good use!! "
"Today's invention is a result of yesterday's fantasy. And it is by this unique awareness that artists have a duty to better their culture and their world. It is Chuck's sincere hope that by reflecting the infinitely diverse patterns of Nature, directing focus on the inherent unity that exists within our Mythologies and Literature, and by bringing to light new and inventive imagery, he may uncover some of the hidden potential we all hold, and perhaps inspire a better future."
"Above all, my beautiful and kind Wife has been the biggest influence on my life and work." (hee hee hee, its ALL about ME! just kidding, this is why I love him!)