Above: A single color glazed Queen Ornament. I think I really like the black and white ones more, honestly. Which stinks for me because they are like 10x more involved to make. Anybody loving the single colored ones over the black & white? Tell me what you think...
Well, let's get yesterday's unpleasant thoughts moved down the page here in blog land. I was in quite a funk yesterday for a while. It is kind of nice to have a record of my thoughts here in the blog, good and bad, for reference. It's been a good place for me to get things out that are bothering me.
So the ornaments have been a bit of a hit so far! How exciting! I am sorry that i didn't move on them earlier in the year, but they are not seasonal, so I am sure I will be able to show them year round. I made about 30 last night, and hope to start firing them this weekend. They are a bit thick, though, so I am going to have to be careful. Don't want to fire them too soon and have a big explosion on my hands. That's always a bummer. They are in the perfect state right now to clean them up easily, without dust...firm leather hard. But I don't know if I am interested in doing that. Today is supposed to be play day, and I finally dug out my beading desk from all my potters market junk. I have several fun projects on my mind, so I hope I can make time to play. I think tomorrow I will take the afternoon off and go to my parents' house. I have worked hard all week.