Another new necklace, whee! I was surprised and pleased with how this one turned out. I had been playing with these two pieces of brass for a few months, never finding anything to really do with them. Somehow, the red pendant made its way on to my table and they just fell together. *shrug* it happens sometimes. I am working my way through some of the larger filigree
Vintaj parts that I have been looking for ways to use, so that's a good thing. Because soon I may be able to order more! MORE! hehe. But this time I will know better what kinds of things I like to use. Well, they also just added a bunch of new things that I want to try as well. *giggle* Oh well, thats the fun of it, I suppose. Anyway, I am a little scattered and chatty today, but with nothing much real to say. I have been just hanging out and working for most of today, after going out for morning coffee with my friend
Diane. It's been pretty rainy and gloomy for most of the day, so staying in and chatting with friends and snuggling the dog and working has been very good today.