I have found much comfort lately in friendship, something that I think I have taken for granted for too many years in my life. In the past few months, I have found an amazing garden full of new friendships, which are helping me learn about myself. Surprisingly, I have also found that with a little nourishment, old friendships that I thought had long withered and died can spring back to life again. And also, friendships that seemed to be ignored or undeveloped can blossom and bloom in unexpected and wonderful ways.
To me, a vine symbolizes friendship, a living and changing lifeline that begins at the earth or core, and ventures out into the world, spreading out in many directions along the way. I love the idea that a vine can start in the ground, and extend great distances, ever changing and evolving, new life growing and blossoming, and reaching out. Some leaves and flowers may grow large and thrive, some may wither and die, but the vine continues to grow and expand. I think of my friendship vine as something that can help me grow too. Each leaf along the way can support me in a different way, to help me find my way as the vine climbs along the path or along a fortress wall or even out into the vast expanse of the garden.This sturdy stoneware tile is approximately 3.5"w x 4.5"h. It has a notch on the back for hanging onto a wall.
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