-Crud. This is really gonna hurt,- Blacktop swore, curling up as tightly as his damaged joints would allow as the planet's surface rushed him
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Fred jumps in the jeep, then pauses and looks down at his cargo pocket where Brea's little head just peeks out next to Gandalf's usual relaxed elbows on the edge pose. "Oh... Brea.... I can't bring you!"
Brea frowned at him, but with the gentle encouraging from Mac and Gandalf she got out and sat on the soldier's hand, looking at him sadly as the young man backed away, holding her carefully.
The Jeep lurched forward just as Mac thumped into a seat and grabbed his own seatbelt, then smiled a little shakily at him.
A few minutes later they went over a short patch of dessert, and stopped by the crater.
"Oh @#%&," the young driver exclaimed up seeing the giant, sparking heap of purple and black metal. Arcee was crouched by the head, one hand on the bot's forehead, looking at his wounds and giving Smitty instructions to move him around to ease some of the pressure off the wounds.
"Doc," Finn came over, offering her hand to help him out of the jeep. "Glad you could make it."
Fred gives her a funny look, wondering what she thought would have kept him from coming, but then turns his attention to his patient, checking to see if he's awake.
Fred looks at it distractedly, but he's already pulling out tools and setting to work on the most crucial systems. "We've got someone rerouting air traffic over here, right?"
"Probably. Ron's in charge of that. We have a tarp ready, though, in case one of the lookouts spot something coming," Finn pointed to the soldiers standing by with a blue tarp.
Arcee went over, helping put Mac up on the chest.
"Tell me how I can help," she said, looking at the big wires and twisted metal.
"I think he's saying he'll look after her," Mac frowned.
"If not, I can take her back, sir," a soldier offered his hand.
"This time I think she'd better stay," he says to Gandalf, putting his hand down. "Brea, I'll be back soon, okay? I love you."
"Ready to go, sir?" the driver looked at him.
A few minutes later they went over a short patch of dessert, and stopped by the crater.
"Oh @#%&," the young driver exclaimed up seeing the giant, sparking heap of purple and black metal. Arcee was crouched by the head, one hand on the bot's forehead, looking at his wounds and giving Smitty instructions to move him around to ease some of the pressure off the wounds.
"Doc," Finn came over, offering her hand to help him out of the jeep. "Glad you could make it."
"Dumb#$^ ran through an astroid belt," she said, adding on another couple of lovely words to the end of her sentence.
"How can you be sure?" Mac asked, coming over.
"Show him what you found," Arcee looked at Smitty, who proudly held up a slab of space rock.
"Was under his plates," he said.
"Plus you don't get those kinds of dents just falling over," she said, pointing to the scratched and dented frame.
Arcee went over, helping put Mac up on the chest.
"Tell me how I can help," she said, looking at the big wires and twisted metal.
"Here comes the transporting copter," Finn looked up, then frowned at Fred. "He ready to move, yet?"
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