So I was totally going to finish
wellymuck with a bang. Really. I had this minor plot worked out, and everything. There was going to be drama! and angst! and retribution! and resolution!
Except now that I've planned it all out it seems rather boring, trite, and inconsequential. So I'm not gonna do it.
What I really want to do is an AU. Some sort of big project, blow-out sort of thing.
And I'm thinking Mexico will play a big part, so,
nekare, I hope you don't mind, but I may be harassing you for information in the coming months.
In other news, I've decided that The Motorcycle Diaries has one of the most gorgeous soundtracks ever. I would upload for you all, but I'm currently pirating wireless off one of my neighbors, as our wireless network has mysteriously gone to pot and I am lost as to how to fix it. I think a rabbit chewed a wire. Bastard rabbits.