Staying up all night just to write a long song for no one

Nov 05, 2003 16:50

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulearthangel goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Princess.__stripped tricks you! You get a button.aesthetical tricks you! You get a piece of string.brooklynnie gives you 17 purple licorice-flavoured wafers.danaelove gives you 1 tan grapefruit-flavoured jelly beans.drawalittlestar gives you 18 light yellow cherry-flavoured hard candies.plaintiff gives you 14 dark green lemon-flavoured jelly beans.realityisgone gives you 11 pink cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.shesgoingtofly tricks you! You get a pencil.starlet20 tricks you! You get a dead frog.sunflowers gives you 9 red-orange lime-flavoured wafers.earthangel ends up with 70 pieces of candy, a button, a piece of string, a pencil, and a dead frog.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

Yeah, I know it's old now but hey, I don't care. By the way, thanks Em for the dead frog!! *pokes out tongue*

It feels like I have not been online for ages. I have been so busy for school it's unbelievable. I had my last ever classes today. Exams start tomorrow. *frowns* yuck

Thursday, 6 November. 8.45am - 10.25am: English
Friday, 7 November. 8.45am - 10.25am: Study of Religion
10.50am - 12.30pm: Economics
Monday, 10 November. 10.50am - 12.30pm: Maths A (part one)
Thursday, 13 November. 10.50am - 12.30pm: Hospitality
1.15pm - 2.55pm: Business Communication & Technologies (oral)
Friday, 14 November. 10.50am - 12.30pm: Maths A (part two)

So that will be great fun. It's hard to believe my last ever exams start tomorrow. ekkk. Then on Monday, 17 November we have the day off unless we were sick and missed some exams or whatever. On Tuesday, we have all seven subjects in one day instead of the usual six subject day so we can get our marks back and whatnot. Wednesday, we have a year level liturgy and then we go down and have a full school assembly where the leadership roles for 2004 are announced and this years leaders hand over the schools symbols to the new prefects. After that we go home at 10.25am. Thursday it's a day off but because I'm in the Cultural Committee, we are going over to the hall in Cleveland to set up for our Graduation Dinner that night. Then on Friday morning we go in, get our rankings and SAI's and whatever. Then we have a full school assembly where we sing our end of year song (which is Grease - We Go Together *giggles*) and then we leave for the school for good at 10.30am. It's scary and exciting at the same time.

Things with Steve are going well *smiles* I really like him and that kind of scares me even though I know it shouldn't. I'm scared I'm going to end up in the same situation with Steve that I was in with Chris and have my heart broken again. I'm scared that he's more into me then I'm into him and that I'll end up breaking his heart. I can deal with a broken heart, I've been there before but I know I couldn't deal with breaking someone else's and know that everything that they are going through is my fault. Don't get me wrong, I am really happy with him and I, there's just a little part of me that's afraid. But I guess that's just something I have to work on. I never expected anything to happen with someone new so soon after Chris and I ended things. Its happened so quickly. Just about every night this week we've talked on the phone for hours.

Last night, he told me that he's really getting emotionally attached to me. I told him that I didn't really understand what he meant by emotionally attached. He then told me that there's really only one word to describe it but he hadn't used that word in a long time. I knew what he was getting at so I said it. Love. He said yes. I asked him if he was ever in love with Jade(his ex). He said that at the time he thought he was but now he wasn't too sure. So in my book that's a no really, if you were ever in love you'd know it and wouldn't have to think about it. I kinda got scared at that point, because then I realised he liked me a hell of a lot more then I liked him. I asked him if he was trying to say that he loved me because he wasn't explaining it very well. He told me no, but if things kept going the way they are at the moment then yes, he would. I think it was at that point I started to cry at little because I was really getting scared but he never noticed thank God. Scared that he could have such strong feelings for me when nothing has happened between us. No kissing, no holding hands, hugging.. none of that. But he was sitting there basically telling me he could easily fall in love with me. And I sat there crying...

In other news, a Law Firm has approached my school and asked for applications for a traineeship, doing secretarial work. I'm thinking of putting my resume in. I'm sick of
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