Dec 06, 2008 11:09
After much debate, I decided that acquiring a new journal after my old one was lost would be beneficial, despite the stupid ramblings I must wade through; better to know who the idiots are and who isn't unpleasant to converse with in advance. Besides, this journal system led to me to the people from my world, and that alone is merit enough.
I'm considering replacing my journal on a regular basis; they are so much nicer when they're new. The clutter from the old ones would be bothersome, however.
This talk of twins is either another strange occurrence or a case of mistaken identity. Considering how many layers one must wear to maintain a proper body temperature, it's hard to actually identify anyone.
comment: bastet,
comment: gundam,
event: winter wonderland,
event: evil twins!,
ooc: i suck at being active,
comment: fullmetal,
ooc: so behind on es,
ooc: orz,
comment: p/raise,
comment: sniper,
ooc: lolz hiatus