002. His cold and broken hallelujah

Apr 27, 2008 13:12

Normally, I would not share something like this. The dreams seem important for each of us to find our own identity, and thus they are too personal to divulge. However, in light of what others have said, it seems they are having dreams that are not their own. We were only supposed to dream in the cocoon. There is only one dream to each of us.

I find it odd that the dream I had last night did not feel unfamiliar. The faces I saw, some of which I may have recognized, some of which I know I should recognize. Maybe out of wishful thinking I thought I saw myself. During the dream, I felt like I understood the context, though it was lost to me upon waking. It had a strong level of violence, but this did not faze me. Why does killing bother others, and yet the faceless deaths I saw meant nothing?

I dreamt of a hawk inside of a dove, and a young girl with pale features. The robot was orange, but it looked wrong to me. It should have been beautiful.

[ooc: His handwriting is a little messy, as if he wrote the entry in a hurry]

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