Extroverted (E) 58.06% Introverted (I) 41.94%
Imaginative (N) 58.82% Realistic (S) 41.18%
Intellectual (T) 66.67% Emotional (F) 33.33%
Organized (J) 57.58% Easygoing (P) 42.42%
Your type is: ENTJ
You are an Executive, possible professions include - program designer, attorney, administrator, office manager, chemical engineer, sales manager, logistics consultant, franchise owner, new business developer, personnel manager, investment banker, labor relations, management trainer, credit investigator, mortgage broker, corporate team trainer, environmental engineer, biomedical engineer, business consultant, educational consultant, personal financial planner, network integration specialist, media planner/buyer.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Testpersonality tests by similarminds.com funny thing is, a few of the jobs i really want include administrator, office manager/assistant manager, sales manager, logsitics consultant type job, any kind of planner/buyer job....weird, where was this test when i started college?