As I complete my 26th trip around the sun.....

Feb 09, 2011 07:05

I totally know why I don't make New Year's Resolutions.... I have a February Birthday.

I make birthday resolutions... here we go:

-Get back to the yoga. (I feel so good on so many levels when I do it.)
-Eat less meat. (I can more or less take or leave it as long as my Mom's not making seafood and my husband hasn't recently hunted!)
-Spend more time on the elliptical. (Family history of heart issues... like massive heart attack before 50 heart issues.)
-No FB on weekends. (Exceptions made if a client messages me on FB, but I do encourage email. If that happens, message and get off.)
-Spend more time baking. (I always try and avoid it because if I bake it, I eat it... but with the extra time on the elliptical, it won't matter.)
-Be more consistent with family cloth.
-Get chickens for eggs... this means we're only left buying milk, cheese, and yogurt.
-Try some new recipes and make some old favourites.
-Work on making some bath products, skin products, herb-y salve type things.
-Learn to make soap... I am making this it's own thing.
-Finish the baby blanket I started 2+ years ago.
-Go to the library, get a card... you know.
-Work on a homeschool coop. Something that gets together once a month or something.

Ok, now to re-post.

birthday, library, resolutions, cooking, family, herbs, bake, yoga, elliptical

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