What's your dream?

Apr 25, 2007 13:33

Tiny fingers moved, brushing softly against cheeks and cupped around her face. Wide eyes looked into her own, wide with knowledge of what the world held out there, wide with the hope of seeing more of it. A tiny button nose that wrinkled up just a little as the soft pink lips below them curled up into a cheeky little grin.

The face came closer to her own and they rubbed noses, the child before her was like a tiny version of herself but the eyes, they were not hers they were more like the child’s fathers.

“What?” She looked down sleepily at the child before her, unable to stop smiling.

“Dadda says vat s’time you gots up Momma.”

“Oh, did he now?” Unable to stop smiling at the child before her she pulled her closer, arms wrapping around her ‘daughter’. “Well, you know what I think we should do?”

The tiny blond girl shook her head.

“I think we should just stay in bed and snuggle up and stay warm, how does that sound?”

The girl nodded and giggled, scrambling under the covers when she held them open to her.


“Yeah sweetie.”

“You know it’s really time to get’s up though, Dadda’s waiting for you.”

“Is he now?”

The girl nodded, her arm going around her mother neck and cuddling close. “Say’s you been in that bed too longs and it’s timed you gots up. Plus he’s real stinky and wont takes a baf or shower tills you wakes up and tells him to.”

“Oh,” she laughed softly and snuggled closer to the child, “But I like it here, it’s warm and safe and I get to cuddle up to you.”

“Buts you will when you wakes up Momma, promise when you wakes up you’d get’s this too, just some timed soon, promise Momma, I weally do.”

“Andrea, c’mon, Dadda said we could play in the garden.”

She looked down to see a boy in the bedroom doorway, older than the child curled up in the bed with her and how he looked like his father. She couldn’t help but smile at how much he actually looked like him.

The girl giggled and looked at her, “Gonna plays wiv John now. But you got’s to get up Momma, Ganma and Gangid and Unkie Mickey and Unkie Jake will be’s comin to sees you soon so you got’s to get up. You got’s to and make Dadda has a bath, okies?”

“Ok baby,” smiling she kissed the child’s cheek, nuzzling down and into her neck. “Love you baby girl.”

“Loves you too Momma,” and with that she scrambled out of the bed shouting for John to wait for her as he ran off.

The girl stopped in the doorway and looked back at her, “Member Momma, got’s to wake up.”

“I remember sweetie, wont be in here too much longer.”

Wincing pain filled her body and it started from her stomach, her eyes closed under the pain and opened for a moment, closing and opening once more.

“Andrea?” She muttered softly, pain in her voice, “Andrea, get daddy,” her eyes opened once more and she looked around the room. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t her bedroom, it wasn’t there bedroom. The walls were bright white and there was a smell in the air, a smell that was too clean. Machines hummed and beeped around her, this wasn’t right; this wasn’t the place she was meant to be.

Her mouth felt dry and she could hardly speak, tears fell slowly down her face not from the pain but from the realisation that this was reality and where she had been was nothing but a dream.

“Andrea,” she whispered again, the image of the child still fresh in her mind. As she turned her head she saw him sat there, unshaven, tired and pale…a shaking hand reached out to take his…

playground muse, fic, rpbased, henry

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