Prompt 11 - Are we in control of our lives?

Mar 06, 2007 16:56

I used to think we were in control of our lives. It is up to us what we do and where we go, when we get up and go to sleep. Whether we watch on tv show or another or just decide to go out, I’d never really thought about the bigger picture. I thought life was simple, dull, no real adventure to it.

But that’s not true. I realise that now.

We’re all victims of other things and other people.

If that boy hadn’t been driving the way he was, my dad wouldn’t have been killed.
If the Nestene Consciousness had never come to Earth and tried to take it over the Doctor would never have blown up the shop I worked in, I would never have met the Doctor, gone travelling with him and fallen in love with him.

I could tell you so many things that have happened in my life, the good things and the bad, but there isn’t much point. What has happened has happened, there is nothing I can do to chance this and I wouldn’t really want to. Well actually no, there is one thing I would want to change.

That day, the one in Torchwood London back on my old Earth, the one where I was taken from the Doctor. This is the one moment I would want to change, it was because of this moment I lost the man I love and my world.

But it happened and there is nothing I can do about it, now all I can do is try and make the best out of a bad situation. In the end that is all we can all do, grit your teeth and get on and live your life. Yeah, it hurts to think you’re not in control of your life, that something or someone out there can change things and screw it all up.

So, there are things out there that control what happens in your life more than you do, you know what the best thing to do is? Dig your heels in and make something of the cards you have been dealt. You could give up; you could let those people get the better of you.

But you do that and your life is wasted, you may as well be dead.

fic, muse manifesto

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