Lone traveller, living their life

Sep 03, 2006 19:28

The wind tussled the lose strands of her blond hair and she made no attempt to push them from her face. The sun was slowly setting and the evenings chill was gradually drawing in. But she didn’t move, she just stood and stared at the view from upon the hill.

This was her life not and there was so much still to experience and so much she already had. Still it wasn’t enough. For every adventure she embarked on, every person she met, her heart still longed for the hum of the engine, the jolts that could knock her to her feet, and most of all she missed the excited chatter that came from her travelling partner.

There were not more engines, not jolts and no chatter, there was only her. The lonely traveller, forever saving those she could help, forever on the move, forever listening for the sounds of those engines…forever alone.

She had spent time with others and taken them with her on her travels, travels only made possible because of the research in Torchwoods database on temporal and dimensional portals. Charles, a learned man from the 12th century, Caitlyn from 21st century New Zealand and a couple from 11th century France, none of them stayed with her for longer than a few weeks. They didn’t seem to have the passion or thirst that he had had. Well none but Giacomo.

How much trouble did the two of them get into? Two lonely hearts pining for people they seemed to be unable to find or have, both so in love that everyone else paled in comparison. But they saw something in one another and they became close. They ran, got caught, annoyed a good few people, ran some more, laughed and had great adventures. But even through it all, they both knew that it wouldn’t last, something inside them told them so. Even as she held him close, even as she kissed him goodbye and cried, she knew this pain was nothing compared to what she already felt.

Giacomo had been a good friend, and they had had a fantastic time. But all good things come to an end. And as she stepped back through the time portal to her own time, she knew that would be the last she would see of him. So she was alone once more.

For all the places she had visited, she always found herself back here, and always at sunset.

This place was like a memory from another life, one where she stood hand in hand with a man from a distant planet and they had stood watching a sunset like this together. But that was so long ago now, and she was starting to feel so very old. There were few places in her life she went to on certain dates. Torchwood on the day of the Earth War, where she laid a single red rose against the wall where the breech had been, the chip shop where they used to go when they came back to London. And right here, on top of this hill, watching this sunset and thinking of him.

“See,” She whispered softly against the wind, “I’m still here, still trying to save lives, still trying to be the person you loved, and I am still living my life.” Taking a deep breath she looked up at the setting sun, “Forever,” she whispered against the wind, “I am still travelling with you and you with me. In my heart you are always there. I told you I would be with you forever, Doctor.”

Another deep breath and she shouted into the sun at the top of her voice. “My name is Rose Tyler, I help save the Earth and I am living my life…” her voice fell into a soft whisper, “I am living it for you, Doctor.”

The wind picked up and she could almost feel him take hold of her hand and in her mind she could feel him squeezing it and see him look over at her with a sad, but proud smile.

“Yes you are Rose,” he wasn’t there, but the words came to her mind just like he was, “You are doing the one thing I wish I could do. You are living your life.”

“I love you…” The words came out a little choked as the tears fell down her cheeks, “I always will.”

Wrapping her arms around herself she watched as the sun finally set and the night began to take hold. Turning she walked over to the single tree that stood behind her and ran her fingers up and over the bark until she felt the grooves of what she had carved there, a time that seemed like so long ago.

Rose Tyler and the Doctor. Forever.

Silly yes, but those words meant so much to her, just like he did. It had only been a couple of years since she had been brought to this Earth, but to Rose, with all her adventures, it felt like a life time. Just as her adventures with the Doctor had seemed.

fic, artistic license

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