deviant_muses And thelyricalmuses

Jul 15, 2006 16:42

For this pic prompt and this lyric prompt

How many?

How many had to lose their lives in that war that day, and the days before it? How many nameless faces, how many husbands and wives, brothers, sisters, friends…Lovers? How many lives had been destroyed?

Rose sat in the control room of the Torchwood centre just staring at the wall like she had done on so many occasions since she have been forced to live here in this world. It was there that everything had changed in her life, here in this room, this room in this world, this room in her old world. Lo longer Rose Tyler, time and space travelling companion to the Doctor, not she was just Rose, lost little girl in a world that wasn’t her own.

The others fussed over her, all of them wanting to see her happy here, how she could start a new life, but she couldn’t. Rose Tyler no longer existed; in this world she had never been born, never lived.

Her mother from her own world had started a relationship with Pete; Pete had been her father in her old world but in this one, the only child he had was now growing inside her mother. Her mother existed here as well as the baby growing inside of her. Mickey belonged here too, he’d taken over the role of himself who had died in this world. Rose only existed in her own world…only with the Doctor.

Walking up to the wall she leaned her head on it, fingers moving down the cold flat surface and she whispered his name. Fresh tears sprung down her cheeks, the memory still too raw inside of her, it had been months since she had seen him and her heart ache hadn’t lessened. She loved him; she needed him, why had this had to happen?

“Rose? Are you in here?” Her mother’s voice echoed in the empty room, “Oh Rose, I told them you would be, look come on. You can’t keep doing this. Anyway, it’s time to go.”

Go? Yes it was time, but she would be back, she would search and she would find him, they always found one another.

Rose sat silently in the car with a bouquet of flowers in her lap, the conversation between her parents and Mickey was lost to her, she was still lost in her thoughts, still grieving.

By the time they made it to the memorial, hundreds of bouquets and candles had been placed in the memory of lost loves, how many had the Cybermen killed in London on those days? How many innocent lives hadn’t they been able to save? There was a lump growing in her throat and tears in her eyes once more as she thought of the lives that had been lost in her own world.

She placed her flower down with the others, the tears wouldn’t stop, it was her own memorial, her nameless grave. The card on the flowers read. In loving memories of Rose Tyler and the Doctor, may they meet once more.

Rose Tyler was dead and the person who lived in her wake was just a shadow.

fic, deviant muses, lm

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