(no subject)

Feb 22, 2009 20:06

Yeah, so, Expo.


It was okay.

Less busy than London, obviously. And a higher concentration of kids, oddly enough, which meant that before the Masquerade there was this Sarah-Jane person from CBeebies, which in turn meant lots of cosplayers dancing to the kidpop. Which just goes to show that we really are just children at a fancy dress party. There are even prizes for the costumes.

Oh yeah, the costumes. Most of them were definitely not home-made, although the ones that were were stunning. Demyx Time people (I find it really weird that people refer to them as Jenn and Kelly, it's not as if they know them personally and celebrities usually have last names or "from the Internet/Boards/Cosplay.com" attached, or occasionally usernames) were awesome as always, even if Demyx did get her cape ripped and staff broken.

And I did the Time Warp to a captive audience while the otheres were sideways and not holding an audience captive.

Oh god (I can say that again!), my brother has just announced he is giving up butter for lent. And my mother doesn't see how stupid this is. I will butter all the slices of bread in the packet to show him how stupid he is now.

Anyway, back to the Expo. Or rather, after the expo becasue there's not much else to say except Hannah didn't win a prize ( =_(  ), Becca abandoned us ( =_(  ) and Natalie can't sit still to save her life ( |_P ).

Yah, so, we went back, stopped off at a Little Chef on the way, where Femke was being really worrying with not eating or drinking, but she perked up considerably after the condiments and complimentary lolly. Then we went to Hannah's house sans Femke and I adopted several of her cats. It's been so long since I had a cat, and they are lovely lovely creatures, all snuggly and loving, but not barky and smelly like dogs. Or heavy. But all soft and purry and very good conversationalists. Stupid landlady nopt letting us have pets (*hides rabbits under bed*).

I didn't fail too horribly at Umbrella Chronicles either. well, it took me an age to work out how to reload and I accidentally emptied the grenade launcher and missed the big boss thing entirely. Still, not failing is good, and the game actively encourages social interaction by making single player fricking impossible. Seriously, I saw Wesker's scenarios and even they are horrible. We got stuck on the second one with orange glasses man, it took us about half an hour to work out that we should aim for the head. Making some attacks undodgable is mean though. And he kept standing in front of the herbs.

Yeah, so, awesome time, and we eventually managed to get Natalie to be interesting by confiscating her computer and throwing pillows at her. Also sitting on her (um, sorry?), which I really must stop doing. And I will. Soon.

On a weirder note, I had lost half a stone in three days, how weird is that? I think I put it back on with the pocky though >.< (*actually, at one point it was about a stone, which is rather scary) (No, still half a stone off, w00t!). Of course, NHS being what it is, I wouldn't actually be able to fix this, so yoghurt it is. The NHS is just sucky all over, I said I was havingreally bad moodswing all the time, and they went "Oh, it's got a hormonal component, onto the pill you go!"; I swear if they could they would make me a JJ with eyebrows. Also, they won't do anything else unless I am over 18 or in full-time employment, greedy bastards. Grr.


Yeah, I've kind of run out of steam.

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