Finally saw FNL

Feb 03, 2009 02:32

I was watching Friday's episode of FNL and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer came to mind. I read something Joss Whedon supposedly had said--something about creating immediate drama when he needed it by putting Willow in danger. It instantly would draw the viewers' attention.

I thought of that as I watched Matt Saracen kneel on the field at the end of the episode. Do the writers just do things to hurt him so I'll immediately feel my heart ache for him? Do they sit around and say, "Okay, we haven't had a few tears in a while, let's fuck with Matt"?


1. Why can't the Taylors write a book about how to argue without wanting to kill your spouse? I'd buy a copy (OR TWO!)
2. How much longer can Coach keep from losing it? Will the series finale feature the coach lying on the ground, finally having had a heart attack from bottling up all his anger toward these crazy football dads?
3. Where can I get Lyla's pretty peachy eyeshadow? Cute.
4. Where did Julie the brat go? Not that I mind, I'm just curious.
5. Can we please have more Matt/Landry scenes please?
6. How much do I love Lyla and Tyra together? TOO much.
7. I love Riggins, I do. But why, why, WHY does his hair always look so scummy? Can't it be long and, I don't know, DRY?!
8. Can Smash's mother please write a book about parenting b/c she's just too awesome for words. :)
9. Why did I actually feel sorry for the McCoy kid? I shouldn't, right? He's too big a threat to Matt.
10. Speaking of McCoys, why can't I watch the episode w/o spending all my time thinking of all the other things Daddy McCoy has acted in?


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