I've been away from LJ for a while. Coming back through friend's journals, i see the things I posted before and it's made me realize how fun it is to keep a note of daily -- mostly random -- things.
So. I'm back, baby!
We'll see for how long.
Currently, I'm battling a cold from the lack of sleep last weekend at the craziness known as the "Browncoats' Backup Bash." Just do a search for it, its being discussed EVERYWHERE! Everywhere that's important, that is. I'd like to give props to Dan, who made the Wikipedia entry for it. YAY DAN!!
I've also spent most of my waking hours today bouncing from board to board, reading what people are talking about as they relive the events (NATHAN!), and also seeking out photos of myself from there (NATHAN!!). Cuz, you know, when you're taking the photos, you're not usually in them. Thanks to Richard, Francis, and Roman for capturing me in some memorable moments (NATHAN!!!). I do wish we had at least one official photographer at the Saturday party in Hollywood, because it was very. bizarre. talking with Sheriff Lamb from Veronica Mars about Battlestar Galactica. It wasn't later until I learned his real name, Michael Muhney, so I referred to him for the rest of that weekend as Sheriff Lamb: "Remember when Sheriff Lamb said this.... HAHAHA!!" He sure did have a lot to talk about... I couldn't follow it all at the hour it was (late and/or early) plus everything that happened earlier (the table full o' Firefly cast members). And the drinks.
Also I'd like to give a shout out to my kick!ass roommates for the weekend: Christina (car buddy!), Arielle (crazy organizer/bus lady) and Tom (Canadian.) -- you guys rocked.
So, tomorrow I'd like to finish my ShinyWeb site, but I have a feeling that won't happen. I got a first draft of the Taylor & Jacobson site uploaded for them to look at this evening, so that's something accomplished today, at least. And, one new thing since I last posted, I started a CafePress store for fannish goodness:
www.scifishirts.com Go check it out! Someday, I may actually finish the main homepage for that.