chatting online with someone behind your wall.....priceless?

Nov 23, 2004 03:07

k10909321: I'm gonna drink all 8 cups of coffee tomorrow morning
k10909321: it'll be awesome.
killlthewaitress: ull pee more than roscoe
k10909321: il est tres impossible.
killlthewaitress: possible.
killlthewaitress: une stylo!
k10909321: lol

k10909321: I own a bunch of stupid shit
k10909321: it's embarassing
k10909321: but I don't own many 90's albums
killlthewaitress: its okay.
k10909321: (like new kids on the block)
k10909321: so it's not THAT embarassing.
killlthewaitress: haha...
killlthewaitress: i dont have that..
killlthewaitress: i have...natelie imbruglia.
k10909321: HAHAHA
k10909321: "and the sky is torn..."
k10909321: blah blah blah
killlthewaitress: hahahha
killlthewaitress: yess.
killlthewaitress: good stuff.
k10909321: if you're like... midtwenties and gay it is
killlthewaitress: whyyyyy breathing is beleiveing, your hiding underneath the smoke int he rooom
k10909321: hahahaha

killlthewaitress: forogto.
killlthewaitress: niiiice typo.
killlthewaitress: sounds like an italian dish
killlthewaitress: Forogto with cheese.
k10909321: lol
k10909321: that's awesome

killlthewaitress: u should be writing this shit down
k10909321: hahahaha
k10909321: nah
k10909321: it's what I've been wanting to do... but I don't have any inspiration/time/idea
killlthewaitress: i somewhat started doing that.. writing random shit down
k10909321: yeah, I got a book of it
killlthewaitress: but my problem now is..i forget where i wrote it down.
k10909321: lol
k10909321: that's a problem
k10909321: we're dorks

killlthewaitress: 4am!
killlthewaitress: dude
killlthewaitress: lets wait 20 more monites and smoke the weed i have left.
k10909321: monites
k10909321: yes
k10909321: awesome
killlthewaitress: yes like the big fat sea animals
killlthewaitress: monities
k10909321: hahahaha
killlthewaitress: whadya say?
k10909321: haha, no way d00d
k10909321: lol
killlthewaitress: get some popcorn goin on
killlthewaitress: we can watch bjork videos.
killlthewaitress: woooooooooo
k10909321: NOoooooooooooooooooo
k10909321: lol
killlthewaitress: whhyyyyyyyyy (junsik style)
k10909321: hahahhaa
killlthewaitress: it would be great. let me get little Donte out now.
k10909321: cause, I'm a responsible employee of barnes and noble
k10909321: no way!
killlthewaitress: la la la
killlthewaitress: i cant hear youuuu
k10909321: hahaha

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