A princeLEE prince

Oct 19, 2004 22:35

So it is official. I am on homecoming court for prince. I am somehow very excited by the prospect of this. Me? a simple minded peasent? I could never pass as nobility much less a PRINCE! Yet the people have spoken so I shall fullfill my noble duty to god and country. I am glad Cody Plant did not get it because it meant so much to him and so little to me. I believe the nominees are Adam Flather, Ryan Kelly, Jay Harden and two other bafoons who stand no chance. I am also looking forward to the prospect of obtaining a crown and ceptor. I will for my first order declare it a national holliday in which we will purge the land of the non believers. NAHHHHHHHHHHH JUST KIDDING. I am looking forward to HC I think it will be fun. It is the first dance I have attended since like 6th grade and Im up for court on it. How the mighty fall before eternal grace. They shall bow before their prince out of humility and kiss my royal loafers. My reign shall truly be guided by the light of the glory and all before me and after me in the name of God and Country. On another note we are watching 1776 which happens to be the gayest thing to ever grace a film strip. I am glad they were able to simplify a complex and emotional mater like the signing of the Delclaration of Independence into a 1 hour 30 minute movie in which 3/4 of it are spent dancing about Thomas Jefferson's wife and her ability to please Mr. Jefferson. But truly Jefferson did not burn due to the eternal and godly flame that of which only his true love and passionate wife emmits as if she is a beacon of light through the confusion of the world, instead he burns from the case of anal warts that he contracted, while in a fit of rage, forcing one of his slaves to play accompianment for his violin with the rusty trombone.
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