Aug 09, 2004 01:36

HMMMMM... I thought I would actually write a real LJ tonight since like half of mine are just joke and say nothing. First I have a mean blister on my hand from the batting cages today. I fucking owned the fast pitch cage. Speaking of sports I honestly have the worst job eva. I fucking get paid to get yelled at. Being a ref is honestly the most stressful job ever. Hopefully i can get that job at EB games and fulfill my dream of playing videogames and sitting around for a job. Also I have recently discovered the stella videos at (i dont feel like linking it) and it is soooo funny. Its like they know exactly what kind of funny stuff I think of but cant transfer out and have made sketches out of it. Gah dam I am jelouse of michael ian black for being the funniest man alive. I think I will stalk him forever. School is also coming up. I realized it today. I am not looking forward to any aspect of it except electronic media which is fun. Mr Emery is a fun teacher and the class is good. I think I will start a biker gang or become a soldier of fortune. Also everything is cool with me and I am always laid back and I dont worry about things. An aspect I like. I dont like to ever get excited about anything. Except Curiosa which is coming up and I have a ticket to and might end up going by myself(which is fine, I am not a bitch who cant enjoy myself) but it would be fun to go with other people. Also I have a birthday in September, I will be 17. I think I will have a birthday party too. I just dont know what to do for it. Maybe a sunday picnic followed by parlor games. I hope everyone would come. Because Flather has a lot of friends that came to his birthday and I wish I had that many people come. I am a machine.
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