Busy week, but not getting much work done

Sep 14, 2010 23:02

This is a busy week for me. Yesterday was full, as was today (I finished the lawn, did laundry, dishes, and packed tonight).

I am in all-day training today and tomorrow (Presentation Skills, and I haven't been doing as bad as I had expected...need to get rid of those damn "umm"s though).
I have the same class tomorrow, and then I am heading to the airport to fly to Albany, NY for my company's GLBTA Alliance Global Meeting. It should be good, but it is a lot of socializing, and I have not been overly social lately. Good VERY high level leadership exposure potential though.

This will be the first work trip...since probably my first one ever (8-9 years ago?) where I will not be taking my computer with me. I land after 10:30 EST and won't be checked into my room and settled down until after bedtime. Thursday is all day meetings, an awards dinner, and then drinks with the people from the other sites in my business. Friday is all day meetings then straight to the airport to fly home. I won't even have time to log in.

This will be a very weird feeling for me.

Wish me luck.
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