A little Rolling Stones to Start it Up - 15 years ago

Aug 24, 2010 10:20

15 years ago (plus or minus a bit according to http://gizmodo.com/5620520/happy-15th-birthday-to-windows-95-the-ugly-duckling-that-conquered-your-desktop?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+lifehacker/full+(Lifehacker)) I was in the State Theater in Minneapolis working as an usher.

Microsoft was hosting a daytime event and the place was packed with professional nerds and geeks. We passed out little bags with the "Windows" icon that included a little "Start" button pin. No one knew what the "Start" pin was all about (or at least I didn't...I assume some of the attendees may have heard things through BBSes, AOL/Compu$erve, and early web pages (remember, web pages are only 20 years old (http://info.cern.ch/www20/)).

The lights dimmed, the Rolling Stones' "Start It Up" started playing, and Microsoft introduced the world to a whole new way to interact with their computers. They introduced an entirely new key to the keyboard. It was Windows95.

15 years later I am taking a break while working from home, watching a TV show on my computer while I am looking at 6 websites in my tabbed browser and checking 5 e-mail accounts with an E-mail client.
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