(no subject)

Jan 23, 2013 13:42

Day 3 of paleo and I can't believe how satisfied I feel with meals! I realized how little I actually WANT grains. I'm not craving them and only when rice and beans are in front of me do I lament not being able to eat it. I've been feeling satisfied with meat and little else.

I'm also craving carrots a lot, which has always been my favorite veggie, anyway.

And surprisingly, I'm not craving sweets or junk food like I thought I would.

TMI, but I also barely fart anymore, haha.

But because I'm battling what I think is strep throat, I can't tell if I actually have more energy and feel better overall. After we ate a big breakfast of eggs and bacon, we both slept for almost half the day (oops) so I'm hoping that's because we are both horribly sleep deprived lately while feeling a little sick and not because we are eating too much or having a negative reaction to the new food choices. I know it takes a little bit for your body to adjust anyway and I was told to expect some side effects for the first couple of days.

Ian's pants are already looser on him (jerk) and he isn't trying to be as strict as I am (he still drinks beer and had donuts the night we started as a last hurrah...NOT FAIR.)

I can't wait to see what happens. I really hope this helps me lose weight but also helps me stay away from processed food and soda. To be honest we aren't doing paleo to try and stick by it, we just like the philosophy behind it and want to use it as more of a rule of thumb than a strict set of rules, because we need SOMETHING to help us bring a balance back into our diets...for a while there we were eating fast food three to four times a week. Nasty!

For the first time in pretty much my whole life, I'm also totally satisfied with water being my only beverage!! Don't get me wrong, I love my tea! But I find I prefer water and I don't find it difficult to avoid soda when it's in front of me, anymore. And the one place that I am refusing to sacrifice sugar is in my "Sweet Leaf" organic iced tea. I love it too much to give up! Maybe I should start brewing my own, then I can use honey instead and avoid sugar altogether, hmmm. We shall see!

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