Want to be in a Music Video? FURSUITERS NEEDED FOR STARDOM

Oct 21, 2009 09:12

Hey everyone - its been a long time - I'm still not dead!

A music video director called me asking about furries -- i just got his permission to post about it here to help spread the word - He has this great idea for a music video

The last scene is a huge party where everyone is in a fursuit and where the main character finally finds that she belongs. FOR this they need a bunch of people with fursuits to party - its supposed to look like a totally normal NY apt. party only everyone is in fursuit.

The video is going to shoot in NYC halloween weekend -- sounds like a good reason for a roadtrip you out-of-town people.

email the director if you even might be interested just to get on his list: dylanrmulick@hotmail.com

PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD TO ANYONE in the area - this is a chance to get paid (something not sure how much) to be in a music video, meet a professional director, and generally be in a fake party.

They may put a bunch of my paintings up on the walls behind everyone too-- i would love to see a video with a lot of familiar faces.

its funny how i've kind of turned into an unofficial ambassador to the fandom -- happy to do it... you have no ideas how many times i've started off by saying "forget everything you've seen on TV"..... Anyway this director seems cool and it s for the up-and-coming band, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - and the theme is like everyone is a furry inside - using furriness as a metaphor - i'll let the director tell you about it himself- rather than put any more words in his mouth, but i think ita a good pro-furry pro-acceptance kind of theme.

the directors websites:

The Band: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

Song: "Higher Than The Stars"

fursuits music video

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