article in T.O.N.Y.

Oct 03, 2007 22:50

This article is about me and foxwell in Time Out New York! See the web version here. If you like it, DIGG it here I have a few things to quibble with on this-- They got what i'd said about my paintings backwards-- the stuffed animal paintings were the ones i'd called "anti-conceptual" and they really didn't go into enough detail about what furries are and why fursuiters do what they do. But over all it was a pretty good article, i thought- and i love that they included a big photo of one of my finished paintings. This magazine, although mostly unknown outside of NY, (i think-- have any of y'all non-new yorkers heard of it? --there is a london edition too, in fact it may have started there, i'm not sure) it is VERY widely read in NYC so I'm very excited to be in there.
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