The one Chloe Nicole scene I saw was astonishingly good-- just her ordering a guy around as he fucked her and then coming six different ways. I haven't seen Bend Over Boyfriend, though it sounds hot.
Buying porn is expensive, but I'm too lazy to rent most of the time, so I'm s-l-o-w-l-y working my way through all the things I've heard about that sound interesting.
Yeah, I love the way she's so assertive and seems to really cum. And really cum really hard and loud. Even when she's being pounded in the ass by a huge cock, and/or being half-throttled, she still seems to be in control. And she's so *tiny* ;)
Mm, yeah. There's very little porn I can watch if the women in it don't come. (For the men, I have the slightly higher standard that at least one of them has to seem to be enjoying having an orgasm. I don't know where they find all these guys who look like they've just stubbed their toe every time they're about to come.)
(Except that for all I know, I look like that when I'm coming.)
Buying porn is expensive, but I'm too lazy to rent most of the time, so I'm s-l-o-w-l-y working my way through all the things I've heard about that sound interesting.
(Except that for all I know, I look like that when I'm coming.)
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