May 26, 2005 23:15
I am uber sad.
Honors Assembly tomorrow. I say goodbye to my little sister and to my darling classes of 06 and 08.
Fr. Fell's homily really changed my mind on some things regarding the Mount. Sure, I've had my disappointments and my fits of anger and rage towards the Mount, but he is right, the Mount is not made of bricks. The Mount is made of the girls that come through it, and that place will be my home, whether I want to acknowledge that fact or not. It is my alma mater--mother of souls--partially made of my soul, as I have walked through it. I take the Mount with me going to college and it takes part of me as I leave. However, he was right in saying that there is no place like the Mount. The last four years are some that I will never encounter anywhere else, no matter how hard I try.
"We've had a sisterhood here at the Mount, 112 of you that I'll have to live without"
...No other class has taken a door, dyed toilets green, gotten disqualified from Twisted Tunes, made a "direct attempt on a teacher's life", stolen a couch, cloned Heather Tranquill, or dressed up in green without permimssion.
By the way, got my gold medal. *sigh*. Our "book-ends" are complete, ladies...
I wanna send my girls to the mount