Nov 19, 2004 18:58
egg nog is SO GOOD!!!!!!! but thats not what i need i need some vodka...but i only have 2 more bottles and my dad will get mad if i drink it....i say i have a party and send my parnets away and invite a bunch of pple over and we all get drunk and stuff!! that would be so much fun! really hyper but im in a bad mood!!!! which is really funny! i was at safeway and i was singing jingle bells really really loud in the parking lot! my mom was embarrsed to be seen with me! it was so much fun.....but im in a bad mood.....all because of ms binder!!!!
she gave the note 2 the concerlor!!! the note that said how i was going 2 comimite sucide!!! so the concerlor called me in2 her office and was all "so do u want 2 tell me wats wrong?" right im really going 2 tell her....she sorta got it out of me tho...and i started crying....and i was afraid that she would call my mom and that would not be good....but i told her that im not going to do it because i relized that their are people that do care for me unlike what i yeahyeah....but thats doesnt mean that next time im all depressed i wont gonna try cuz people do love me....(i think) well yeah
there was a fight 2day! the aki girls got supended yesterday and they came back 2day and got in this HUGE fight!!!! and the police had 2 come and strip search 2 of them and take them away in a cop car!!!! lol
yeah but thats wat i did 2day...and i how i felt