in that case i'll have a bacteria, lettuce and tomato

Sep 04, 2013 17:45

so I skipped all of August, but like. August sucked, yo.

my dad was in the hospital for two weeks, he got home and still wasn't well, then I immediately went to my grandmother's because she had double knee replacement and needed someone to stay with her. I was there for two weeks. FINALLY LEFT THAT HELLHOLE OMG. My grandmother doesn't believe in things like air conditioning and ice cream and fluffy towels. I don't know how we are related honestly.

then I came home to find that my dad sold some land and got some money and now we are redoing the house. again. mom got a sectional for our room and can lights and it's great. and daddy decided to get the floors redone and that's shit and paint. and that's shit.

because the floors are inconvenient and I have to do the painting. :(

my sister went to college. she moved into her dorm and everything and left me here with our parents and her psycho dog.

well maybe he's not that crazy. he's just lonely now. poor bb.

my other sister enrolled her children in online public school. I think it's working. idk. they are so weird right now.

and Tana. holy shit Tana is a mess. she's getting divorced and got a boyfriend and decided to move in with him and it's all just fucking ridiculous.

I don't like her boyfriend, I don't like her decisions, I don't like her attitude, but I haven't said anything beyond 'make sure you take some of that money from the sale of your house and put it back in case this doesn't work out for you.'

I've seen her once in the past month. and I had to go to her. I'm kind of over it. I'm her best friend when it's convenient? or when she needs some sort of free armchair psychiatrist help? or she's bored? I'm not here for that. we've been friends for six years and this is the first time I've felt like she's deliberately cutting me out of things.

I've had polish on my nails consistently for three weeks. they are now getting too long for me to function. as a compulsive nail biter, the fact that some of them have grown over the tips of my fingers is weird.

let's see. I got new glasses. I got snapchat. I got tickets to a Blackhawks game. I got vertigo. (which sucks hardcore.) I got new dresses. I got a dell tablet. I got my room back. I got a cake because I wanted a white cake and I looked cute and decided it was my 'because I'm fucking awesome' cake. I got Generation Kill on DVD. I got a snowcone today.

I still haven't seen the new Star Trek. But I did get to see Pacific Rim. so there's that.

I'm getting my hair colored on Friday. and my mom let me order purple cheetah print leggings.

I could do the rundown of all the places I am? I guess I will. Since I rarely post pictures here anymore. I'm probably going to have to stop doing it on tumblr since I keep getting this once creepy fat fetishist guy always commenting on how chubby and pretty I am. Look, dude. I'm fat. I passed chubby when I was twelve and I don't need your comments on anything. Quit being weird. ugh.

welp. on that note. :D

time to go eat some cake and read some fic and convince mema it's time to go to bed.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Comment wherever.

my family is annoying most of the time, stuff and things, state of stevie, i forgot what all my tags are

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