whose cah we gonna take

Dec 10, 2012 01:06

I just watched This Means War. And while I love everyone acting in that movie, the movie itself was terrible. As my sister is fond of saying 'but they looked real good.'

Those were some inspired costumes.

Over the weekend, we watched Haven, Elementary, Once Upon a Time, Constantine, The Town, Inception.

We were busy.

And I have to tell you guys, OUAT is still one of the best shows we watch. I love all the women on that show. Even Cora. I miss August. Like a lot, because August. And also, I think it could benefit from so much more Ruby because her and Snow have that great dynamic and she has to fit in beyond her usefulness as a wolf/diner person, eh. I just wish there were more of her. And Jefferson, but like, he should have a spin off about what he did in Wonderland/who Grace's mom is/his face.

We also watched Starship Troopers. Y'all. Why did we do that? WHY?

Anyway. Can we talk about Joan Watson's wardrobe and how I need all her clothes immediately, please? She is dressed fabulously, handles police, Sherlock, people from her past even more fabulously, and she is serious about her life choices and not taking shit from people. I couldn't love a Watson more than I ever previously did. UGH MORE.

Also, if I don't get some answers on Haven, I'm going to flip out, okay.

Come talk to me about any of this, anything you watch, anything else, idk. I know it's late on a Sunday, but I'll be up a while and up early tomorrow because we're going grocery shopping. And if I don't at least finish this next part of my apartment AU, I think gisforgreen might actually try to maim me.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Comment wherever.

i watch a lot of tv

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