Title - Working on the Edges (16/16)
Author -
earlgreytea68Rating - Teen
Characters - Sherlock, John, Moriarty, Mycroft
Spoilers - Through "His Last Vow"
Disclaimer - I don't own them and I don't make money off of them, but I don't like to dwell on that, so let's move on.
Summary - No matter where you put Sherlock and John, they click. Including the Winter Olympics.
Author's Notes - So this is it, you guys! The end!
I don't really understand exactly how this fic happened, as I wasn't writing a skating AU right up until the moment when I found myself writing a skating AU, and then it turned out to be a 50,000-word skating AU, and my life, you guys. This is, I guess, why you should never lose hope in my writing something, because I feel like
azriona had been wheedling me for, like, a year about a skating AU, and I kept being like, "No, no, no," and then this all happened, so just ignore me, I know not what words might come out of my fingers next.
Anyway, this fic was kind of a delight to write, considering that it came after some heavy writing in "Adventures of a Single Girl" and those lost few chapters of N&N. I really wanted to write a fic where they connected immediately and just stayed connected, with very little angst. So, honestly, I'm not sure there's much plot but they banter and snog a lot and it was just fun for me, and I hope it was just as fun for all of you.
I haven't quite decided what's coming next, but I do know that I'm taking a bit of a break. As you may have discerned from my lack of comment response recently, I've fallen behind this summer. I'm going away on vacation and various other things for the next couple of weeks, and the timing seemed right to give myself--and my long-suffering beta--a bit of a mental break, during which I hope to finish one of the three (THREE) WIPs I currently have IP.
Thanks, as ever, to
arctacuda for the brilliant beta, to
azriona for the idea in the first place, and to all of you for reading along and being so encouraging, always. You're all the best and I love you.
Link to AO3.