Title - Something About Stars (16/20)
Author -
earlgreytea68 Rating - General
Characters - Ten, Rose, Master, OCs
Spoilers - Through the specials.
Disclaimer - I don't own them and I don't make money off of them, but I don't like to dwell on that, so let's move on. (Except for the kids, they're all mine.)
Summary - Four Time Lords and a Bad Wolf human,
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Comments 103
“Yeah, and I never understood it, so I kind of skipped it on the home-schooling curriculum,” replied the Doctor."
Tennant and Simms must do a sitcom.
You must write it.
I have spoken.
(Also - HOW do you come with this and have it make sense??)
German U-boat Captain: I am making notes, Captain, and your name will go on the list; and when we win the war you will be brought to account.
Captain Mainwaring: You can write what you like, You're not going to win the war!
U-boat Captain: Oh yes we are.
Mainwaring: Oh no you're not.
U-boat Captain: Oh yes we are!
Pvt. Pike: [Singing] Whistle while you work, Hitler is a twerp, he's half-barmy, so's his army, whistle while you work!
U-boat Captain: Your name will also go on the list! What is it?
Mainwaring: Don't tell him Pike!
U-boat Captain: Pike!
“You lied to me!”
“Shocking, isn’t it? You and I are usually so honest with each other.”
*giggles madly*
The Doctor and the Master carrying on a secondary conversation throughout the whole thing is hysterical. "“Did you still teach them parallel quark alternator geometry?” asked the Master. “Because I hated that subject.”
Ohh!!! Where'd he get THAT!!!!!
In a way, I think the Time Lords dislike both the Master and the Doctor, for probably fairly similar reasons...
I can't wait to hear more, this was really a reat chapter :D
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