Title - Something About Stars (8/20)
Author -
earlgreytea68 Rating - General
Characters - Ten, Rose, OCs
Spoilers - Through the specials.
Disclaimer - I don't own them and I don't make money off of them, but I don't like to dwell on that, so let's move on. (Except for the kids, they're all mine.)
Summary - Four Time Lords and a Bad Wolf human, gallivanting
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"Having them both start out with almost the same exact thought process was brilliant."
I love the idea that Brem and the Doctor are running parallel investigations. Oh, those two. Why don't they just work *together*?
"Somehow I think Matt very much needed a visit from his best friend."
Awww, he did. Poor Matt.
"Oh, Matt, sweetheart - TELL HER!"
I really think he has. A lot. But Athena didn't take him seriously.
"See, the thing about Time Lords is that sometimes they are so THICK (because, of course, they think they know everything) that you have to be VERY BLUNT with them. I'm not worried though. I'm sure you'll figure it out."
This is so true. Matt needs to have a chat with Rose...
"One day you are going to end my agony of wanting to know what happened to Kate right?"
Someday, I promise! ;-)
"Where do you come up with this stuff?"
I honestly don't know.
"Makes me wonder how different the Doctor would have been (and how much happier) if he'd had someone like Matt around."
It was Rose who insisted that her children be more socialized than the Doctor. I think she realized how very lonely her Doctor was, more than he realizes it himself. Friends are important and necessary.
As for the Ood, no hints!
BWAH! I wasn't very successful I that, was I?
Why don't they just work *together*? EXACTLY! I suspect that until they DO work together things will remain a mystery. That, or one of them will do something stupid that will end up getting them hurt. *thinks of Brem and the Daleks in the prologue... eep!*
I really think he has. A lot. But Athena didn't take him seriously. Yes, true. But he hasn't said anything RECENTLY. And recently Athena has started to have mini revelations so maybe she would actually listen now...
This is so true. Matt needs to have a chat with Rose... Yes! THIS! I trust you will make this happen. I think Rose would offer Matt some very valuable insight because a) she's lived with a Time Lord and Time Children for many, many years now, and b) she knows Athena better than anyone else does. C) she'd understand what Matt is going through.
Someday, I promise! ;-) *sits on hands and tries to wait patently...*
I honestly don't know. it's inspiring none-the-less
It was Rose who insisted that her children be more socialized than the Doctor. I think she realized how very lonely her Doctor was, more than he realizes it himself. Friends are important and necessary. Very true. Rose is a huge reason why those kids are as well rounded as they are. I think if the Doctor had raised them himself they'd be even more like him than they already are - and not in the good ways. Sometimes I wonder if the Doctor remembers how lonely he was now that he's had such an amazing family for so long.
As for the Ood, no hints!
*humph* Fiiiiine! I guess I can wait until next Wednesday.... OH NO! I just realized that I am away next Wednesday :( (Our whole staff has to go to a conference on the other side of the province for next Thurs/Fri so we're travelling on Wed. That means I can't read it until I get home on Saturday :'()
This is true, but Matt really has no idea and he really is keen not to be rejected again.
"Sometimes I wonder if the Doctor remembers how lonely he was now that he's had such an amazing family for so long."
He actually has forgotten a lot of it, which is a wonderful development and makes Rose very happy, but sometimes the Doctor does feel some guilt over how far he's come. For instance, in "Surprise," when it suddenly occurs to him that he's stopped punishing himself.
Awwww, a later read of the next chapter means the chapter after next will come more quickly, right?
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