I have this book. It's a totally awesome book. It is "An Almanac for Bostonians" from 1939, and every day it tells you new and delightful tidbits about Boston in 1939 or past events in Boston's history. Now, some of these little snippets feel to me like the makings of a Whofic. And then some of them also just feel to me like they are just plain filthy and could inspire some great smut.
Now. Sometimes,
the_tenzo does these
commentfic prompted meme things, and I think we would all agree they are great fun. So, I thought, why not do something along those lines, only based on the 1939 "Almanac for Bostonians." I always enjoy myself most when there's no pressure, so there's no pressure. If you want to write smut, by all means, go for it. If you'd rather take the prompt and spin it in some other way, go for that, too. If you want to write a quick commentfic, do it. If you'd rather write something longer, I ask only that you provide the link in a comment here so that we all know how to find it. There's no deadline, because life has too many of those. Just write as the mood strikes you!
How does it work? Leave a comment (anonymouse commenting allowed) with a date, and I'll give you that date's entry. For instance, if I chose June 8, my prompt would be:
About this time in 1636 the authorities decided that sailors were not to remain on shore after sunset "Except upon necessary business." * * * Daring bathing garments were observed this day in 1827 on a Beacon Hill bathing beauty at Nahant.
Yes, there are two prompts in there. Almost every date will have more than one prompt, which gives you leeway to work on the one that provides you with the most inspiration.
(P.S. While sleeping and at work, it'll take me a bit to get back to you with prompts. But I will!)
ETA: If for some reason you don't like your prompt, ask for another! The motto of this meme-thing is: no pressure!