An Introduction to Me

Jul 22, 2008 00:10

So I saw Hill (
cambryn) do this and I knew that I probably should as well b/c I have a lot of new friends here (Twilighters! :D) on lj and most don't really know a lot about me. ^_^ Here we go; it's long, so major lj cuts! :D

Name: Nikky
Location: Mobile, Alabama; I was born in Hutchinson, KS, tiny city; I really miss it. There was fucking winter there. -_-
Birthday: 3.31.87, an Aries
Occupation: Psych/English student and I work at my parents restaurant.
Pets: My two turtles: Fred and George (and fish that live in F&G's tank xD). They've gotten so much bigger now. ^_^ I love them. ^_^ Click their names to see the entry with their pictures. ^_^
Current affairs: Senior at uni, but not graduating this year. @_@ Summertime. Really love my planner/school supplies like pens. xD Family. Friends. Now addicted to lj. Happy that bloop is back. Do way too many memes. XD Totally in love w/ Rpattz and would fuck him in a New York minute. :D

I was born and raised in little Hutchinson, KS, which has a population of about... not quite 20k. It's surrounded by farm land and itty bitty towns of (-/+ 1000 pop.) and Amish settlements and farms. I went to a public school from preschool to 3rd grade and hated it. My principal was a racist and I LITERALLY got in trouble everyday. For stupid shit. Like instead of putting my fork in the fork bin 1st, I would dump my trash into the trash can, hold onto my fork, and then put the fork away. Technically you were s'posed to put the fork into the bin 1st so you didn't throw it away; well, I was holding it so I knew I wouldn't throw it away. Well, that wasn't good enough for my fucking principal and I got sent to his office. Yeah. For STUPID ASS SHIT like that. -_-

So from the 4th grade on, I went to Central Christian School (has a k-12 there). And I loved it. I never got into trouble and I made friends. JH was a bitch, but it's a bitch for anyone. HS was... amazing. I really got into basketball there (watching of course), and three years in a row my team went to sub-state. And each year, my team forgot how to play and lost at the sub-state championships. -_- My senior year we had a perfect season... except of course that last game in the sub-state title game. Still kinda stings. -_-

But I graduated my senior year w/ a 4.0 and went away from my very conservative Christan school confused. I had all the head knowledge a good Christian had, but as I got older, there were too many questions no one could answer me. I truly, honestly believed when I was younger, and even to this day, I miss that kind of faith. The kind that you know someone is listening, and that someone cares. And while now I no longer believe that of what I did as a child, I do still believe that there is a god out there... somewhere. As I got older I saw the hypocrisy of the ppl who went and taught at my school and I don't like it. I don't like what I see. To this day there are some ppl who will not speak to me b/c I swear. Yeah. Something as little as that.

I will say this: I'm sorry, if God hates sin, he then loves the sinner. And in God's eyes, ALL sin is equal. As in, the sin of lying, cheating, adultery, abortion, killing, coveting, and dear god, being gay. ALL of that is equal. So if someone is gay or has an abortion, TECHNICALLY as a Christian, it shouldn't matter to you. At all. B/c in God's eyes, they are still loved. They are still his children. They might be sinning or have sinned, but guess what? God still loves them. And so should the Bible thumping Christians.

Now that having been said, I'll move along w/ my damn tangent. XD

In 2006, after a semester of going to college at Wichita State University, my parents decided to close our restaurant in Hutch and move down to Mobile, Al. Obviously I'm not going to stay in KS by myself as I'm very family oriented. So I took the spring 2006 semester off and we moved down here. We had to live w/ my aunt Christina for 2 months b/c our house was a model home and we had to wait for it since Katrina had just happened and everyone was wanting a house in Mobile.

B/c we lived with my aunt for 2 months, we found out what type of person she really is. A type who uses her family for her own gain. A woman who's spiteful. So to this day, I can't stand my aunt. I don't mind my uncle (who I can't fucking understand anyways b/c his English AND Mandarin sucks and I don't speak Cantonese) and my younger cousin is annoying, but I don't mind my older cousin.

We moved into our new house in May of 06 and have never looked back. In February of 07 my parents opened up our small restaurant, called Taiwan Chinese Restaurant, where I work.

I'm enrolled at the University of South Alabama and have been since the fall of 06. I'm double majoring in Psychology and English and I hope to graduate in 2010... hopefully earlier. @_@ I hang out in the gameroom where I have all guy friends. The only gf's I have are Duckie (
starrynoyoru), Morgan, Amy, and... I think that's it. Those 3 are really the only ones I like a lot and hang out w/. Although I haven't hung out w/ Amy in a long time. :(

I had a boyfriend from Sept. 06 - Sept. 07 and while I hate the asshole, I don't regret it b/c it taught me a lot and i'm glad I got out of that train wreck. But that's a whole nother story that I would rather tell another day and not in a public entry. XD

I don't really have a lot of family here in the States, most are in Taiwan. Here I have my aunt and uncle on my mom's side (both of who I can't stand) and my two cousin. My brother Charlie and his wife Carol are in Vero Beach, FL, which is about a 10 hour drive. My brother is 20 years older then me and I don't really know him well b/c there's such a huge age difference and we never really lived together where I could get to know him (we did when I was like 3-5, but again, not really bonding ages xD) but I do love him. There's a longer story involving my brother and my parents, but again, a long story not really meant for a public entry.

In Taiwan however, is a different story. On my dad's side I have 4 uncles (all married), 10 cousins (7 boys and 3 girls) and 2 nieces. In Asia (at least, as far as I know and most certainly in Taiwan), 2nd cousins are considered nieces and nephews. And I have a lot of those. My dad's side is easy. My mom's side? @_@ I have 9 aunts and 1 uncle on my mom's side (all married). I have 35 first cousins, most of whom are old enough to be my parents. As for my nieces/nephews on my mom's side? I have no idea. It's too huge. xD Luckily, I don't have to remember their names. ^_^

In Taiwan and most Asian countries as far as I know, you just learn the number and order they're in. As in, my 1st aunt? I call her "Big Aunt." My 2nd aunt? I call her "2nd Aunt." And down the line except for number 7 b/c my mom is number 7. The same goes for my dad's side of the family but it's slightly different b/c it's the paternal side. There are like, 4 ways to say aunt/uncle b/c it's how you can differentiate between the families by just saying the name. You don't have to ask, "Oh what side of the family is it?" You say the name and ppl know.

My maternal grandfather died in 85, 2 years before I was born. My maternal grandmother died when I was 5 and I don't remember her, but I do remember her funeral. My paternal grandfather also died when I was 5, and all I remember about him is visiting him in the hospital and I was standing at the foot of the bed so I saw his feet and they were REALLY REALLY DRY. Like he had skin flakes coming off of his feet they were so dry. And that's the only memory of him. XD

The only grandparent I've really known is my paternal grandmother and she died 3 years ago. I really miss her.... She died Oct. 5th, 2005. It was a Wednesday. We got home to Taichung, Taiwan the following Monday. The family had been mourning her ever since (as the funeral process is VERY different in Taiwan) and she was kept in a "fridge" in our home and every night one of her descendants would watch over her and guard over her body so no evil spirits would come and harm her. The Friday of that week, we had her funeral, which lasted 2 days before we cremated her and laid her to rest.

Wo ai ni, Amah. Xiang ni.

If you know me online, you know the wild side of me. ^_^ I'm very emotional and very... loud. XD I often have to be told to be more quiet b/c I get very animated and when I get going, it's hard to stop me. XD

I wasn't always this way. Since I was essentially an only child, I play with myself a lot. I had friends but I just never hung out w/ them as a kid. I was always at the restaurant (since I was too young to be left home alone) and I was only w/ my parents. This is why I'm family oriented; the nature of Chinese families is not to show love through hugs or constant "I love you"s, but through sacrifice. Asian families pay for their children's education, and I mean college education. My parents are paying for me to go to college and most other Asian families are the same way.

I was an introvert, through and through. It's hard to imagine now, but I was. I'm still horribly, horribly shy and insecure, I just hide it VERY... VERY well. I don't want ppl pitying me. B/c as I got older and still was in the restaurants, I had to start taking money and working tables. And I found that when you're more outgoing, you get more money (now, just b/c being shy did not mean that I didn't like to talk, even as a youngster I LOVED to talk xD). So I taught myself to be an extrovert.

Now, I'm a social butterfly, I love being around ppl and hanging around. But most of the time, I still like being by myself, reading or watching tv or listening to music. Only when I get cabin fever do I feel the need to leave my room b/c my room is my safe haven. I'm loud and happy most of the time, but I do have my dark moments of anger or depression. I just choose to see the glass half full. I do get panic attacks (I had one today @_@) but normally I can talk myself through them. I am HORRIBLE at confrontation... HORRIBLE. Online and IRL. Normally I can be more of a bitch online, but really. I suck at confrontation.

I'm very, very sarcastic. It can come off mean sometimes but if I love you, I'm sarcastic. The ppl I like? I'm unnerving polite. If I like you, I tease b/c I (well, I hope) know that you know I'm only doing it in love. So I often call my friends, "you bitch. Cunt whore. Slag. Cum face." And I only mean it in love. ^_^

I value intelligence. I love learning and I actually like school. I just don't like the waking up early and tests. @_@ I believe in common sense... if you have a college education but no common sense... well, you're fucked. xD

I believe in not judging... b/c it's not my place. ^_^

The computer-I'd die w/o it.
Websites-Bloop, LJ, OD, Myspace, Facebook, Sheezy art, my Smuggy (photo uploading thing), and my gmail.
Musicals-Rent, PoTO, Buffy's OMWF, and a few others that I can't think of right now. @_@
Music-duh. I love all types ranging from country (VERY few) to J-pop (UTADA FTW! :D) to rap to pop to acoustic. ^_^
Clothes-I'm a clothes horse. The Devil Wears Prada and SaTC? I was salivating... for the clothes. Also a name brand whore.
School supples-yes. As in notebooks, pens (I have HUNDREDS of pens... literally), highlighters, notepads, etc.
Sex. xD With Rpattz. XD
Photography-this is huge to me. I love it. ^_^
Reading-I read all the time... all the time. xD
Makeup-I like eyeliner. xD And lip stuff and that's about it. xD
Graphics-usually icons. XD But other stuff as well. XD
Cuddling-hand holding. Kissing. Making out w/o sex. xD
Purses-and wallets. xD
Editing papers-yeah, really. xD I love it. XD
Writing-fanfics usually but I've got a few novels I've been working on for a few years. @_@
Cell phones-aka, texting and talking. XD
Books-(only a few) the Twilight series, the Time Traveler's Wife, A Change of Heart, shitloads of manga, LOTR, the Inheritance series, HP series, My Dog Marley, My Sister's Keeper
TV Shows-House, Heroes, Gilmore Girls, SaTC, Friends, Buffy, Chuck
Movies-(just a few) Penelope, TDK, the Devil Wears Prada, and even though it's not out... TWILIGHT!
Men-Rpattz. James McAvoy. Milo Ventimigilia. Johnny Depp. Heath Ledger. Orlando Bloom.
These are just a few things. ^_^

Do not debate them w/ me. I'm not looking for it. I'm just stating them. -_-


I'm registered as a Republican, but I vote both ways. Come this November, I'm OBAMA all the way. I have moderate political beliefs when it comes to America.

To Taiwan? Taiwan is not a part of China. Chinese is a culture. Taiwanese is an IDENTITY. It's like saying back in 1796, American and Britain were the same country. Say that to the Americans and you'd get some stuff chopped off. Just b/c we speak the same language does not mean we're the same country. We speak the same language as the UK, so are we British? No. We're American. So w/ Taiwan. It's easier to say "I'm Chinese" but that means I'm Chinese by culture. I am TAIWANESE through and through.


My mother and father are Buddhist. Neither are very devout, but they do pray to the goddess of mercy. Well, my mom does. And I do sometimes when I think of it (pray meaning I burn incense for her, not actual, "please help me blah blah blah").

I grew up in a Christian school w/ Christian beliefs but I don't really believe in them anymore.

I do believe in a god... but I don't know what god. I look at the world around me and I can't see evolution being the one and only answer.

I figure, at one time, the brightest minds in the world once thought that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. So... can we be so arrogant to say that there's only ONE right and true answer? No. Hindsight is 20/20. And that's what I think about religion. Don't force it on me, let me believe what I want. I'll listen, but don't shove it to me.

I dream of helping people. By being a psychologist and not a psychiatrist, I help ppl. The former listens while the latter is more known for the drugs. I don't want to get into it w/ ppl just wanting drugs from me. I actually want to help.

I dream of being a published author.

I dream of being a published photographer.

I dream of owning my own little coffee shop filled w/ tables and comfy couches and half of it is bookstore. ^_^

I dream of being debt free and having my parents taken care of.

I dream of being in love... of being happily married w/ at least 2 kids. ^_^

I dream of a world for my children that is better then the one of today.

Wow. This... is again, fucking long. God. XD

It's Twilight Tuesday! :D YES!!! MOAR VIDEOS DAMNIT! MOAR RPATTZ! YES!!!

11 more days till BD!!! WHOO HOOO! :D

pictures, rpattz, me, meme, family, twilight tuesday, twilighters, kansas, twilight, lj, lj cut, uni, heart and soul, 2008, intelligence, alabama, friends

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