Twilight Friending Meme

Jul 14, 2008 14:49

Ok, so I made a friending meme b/c _just_for_you  made a Rpattz meme and I wanted to make a friending meme about Twilight!!! I love making new friends, it kicks ass so I thought I'd give this a try. ^_^

1. Name (optional)

2. Age (optional)

3. Journal (optional): FO locked, public?

4. Tell us something about yourself.

5. Which of the three Twilight books currently out is your fave? Why?

6. What do you think of the Edward/Bella relationship?

7. If your favorite ship is E/B, who’s your next fave ship? If your fave isn’t E/B, who is your fave ship?

8. Who do think should be together who aren’t together in the books? (i.e say, Jacob and Tanya, aka your favorite non-canon ship)

9. If you could re-write anything in the 3 books, what part would you re-write?

10. What are you most looking forward to in Breaking Dawn?

11. From what we’ve seen so far of the Twilight movie, what do you think of it?

12. Are Rpattz and Kstew who you wanted for the roles of E/B? If not, who did you want for the roles?

13. In your perfect universe, which Twilight character would you be? Male or female.

14. Best community you’ve found on lj?

15. Fave quote from Twilight?

16. Fave quote from New Moon?

17. Fave quotes from Eclipse?

18. Best moments in all three books.

19. Are you excited for Midnight Sun?

20. Fave picture E/B? (from the movie)

21. Who’s your all time favorite Cullen?

22. If you were Smeyer (and thus, the “god” of your Twilight world), who would you kill off and why?

23. What’s your perfect song for E/B? For the Twilight universe in general?

24. If someone came up to you and said “I REALLY hate Twilight; how can you like it?!?!”, what would you say?

25. Vampire or werewolf? Fire or ice? You can only choose one, so choose wisely.

26. And in turn of that, Edward or Jacob?

27. If you’re a guy, Bella or Alice?

28. You get one wish. One wish to make anything in Twilight to come true, be that making Edward a REAL person or making sure that Bella gets sex in Breaking Dawn. What is it and why?

29. Finish this sentence: Twilight is amazing because…

30. Best question for last: what’s your favorite beverage? (Bwahaha. Completely random xD)
31. Besides Robert Pattinson and Gaspard Ulliel, post a photo of an actor or model that you feel would make a great Edward Cullen. Pictures are totally welcome Courtesy of "punklegolas"

Ok guys. Do it! :D Do the meme. Hehehee

public, twilight, rpattz, random, lj, lj cut, meme, 2008, friends

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