(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 19:36

After months of discussing the possibility, Luke and I finally watched "Children of Paradise".  It is my favorite movie ever.  The hesitation to watch it was due to scheduling.  It is a 3 1/2 hour long movie and I must watch it from start to finish.  No mucking about.  So, somehow we started to watch it late one night.

I warned Luke that I can't stop myself from crying.
By the end of the first disc, I proved it.

Normally there are two scenes that incite such an emotional riot.  The end of the first disc when Baptiste enters staring at a large bouquet that his love (unrequited, of course) has received and thrashes the shit out of declaring not only his hatred for the man who presented it, but his own lack of will to live knowing that the one he loves doesn't love him. 

I cried, like I always do, at his torment.  But instead of my normally sobbing state, I held back allowing my tears to stream down my face, down my neck finally being absorbed into whatever shirt I wore to bed that night and I could feel myself shaking, ready to burst.

But the second part begins in relative merriment.  The second scene is at the very end, the circumstances of which I will not reveal here.  When we got to this part, it was nearly 2am.  I was tired.  I was emotionally wrecked.  I couldn't hold back.  I was also slightly embarassed by my emotion.  Frankly, one doesn't expect to hear a grown up sobbing uncontrolably like I was.

I don't think Luke really knew what to expect. 
He was very nice about it, though. 
He held me tight and assured me that everything would be alright.  
At that point, because of my embarassment and his reaction to my state, I started half-laughing half-sobbing which only made him laugh too.

This was several nights ago.
Today we finally talked about the movie and I was surprised at his reaction.
"It was perfect.  There were no superfluous scenes.  It was one of the best movies I've ever seen.  Thank you for sharing it with me."

And we talked about how much I cried.  I assured him that I cry like that every time I watch it.

Every damned time.
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