Oct 26, 2009 17:45
The wife and I just returned from our little writers retreat we took in Fossil over the weekend. It went well and was overall a relaxing time.
Writing report: I have the structure and backbone in place. I'll probably have to reorganize the first act. There are some things that work on the Shakespearean stage that just don't on screen.
Activity report: I took a relatively long walk Friday, saw some neat plants (I'd like to return in late May or early June.) and the remains of what was either a lahar or a flash-flood from many moons ago. We rode horseback for 3.5 hours Saturday and helped move cattle from one pasture to the other--that's a lot more work than I expected and is more than just sitting on the horse and I essentially had 3+ hours of static resistance exercise in the upper legs--it's a good thing their breakfasts are high-protein. I took a short stroll Sunday, since I was pretty sore and wanted to get to work on my writing.
Entertainment report: Mythbusters had an episode devoted entirely to duct tape! :-)
Wildlife report: western cottontail; a buck, at least 5 does, 2 fawns; bobcat; eagle; several flickers, quail and assorted other birds; a few domestic cats.
Geology report: I already knew that Oregon east of the Cascades was not a continuous sheet of Columbia flood basalt and had already seen much evidence of that, but I still saw much that I hadn't known before. It really is stunning scenery out there. The more rocks I see, the more I learn to see the differences between them, which is still often subtle enough. I noted several other spots where I can obtain more of a couple of my ryolite glaze materials.