Apr 14, 2008 12:09
After a slug-tastic weekend, I actually got my butt out the door this morning and went for a swim. I wasn't too enthusiastic, right up until I actually got in the water. Then I decided since I'd paid to be there, I'd better take good advantage of my time, and got 1500 yards in before I decided I was done. So, not bad.
And then I went to a coffee shop, got a cappucino much larger than I expected, and have been actually doing work till now, noon. I plan to keep at it a bit longer, at least till I'm finished a draft of the world's crappiest conference abstract. (I will edit it into acceptability later.) Then I need to get changed and maybe have a bowl of soup before my job interview. After that I am meeting up for drinks with the folks who are taking the Toronto M.A. Latin exam. And they are going to meet up with me after my go at the PhD on Wednesday. I have no illusions about passing, and it doesn't really affect anything concrete here, so I'm pretty relaxed about it. Anyway, it'll have been a pretty decent day by the end, especially if I get the job.
And the Om Shanti Om soundtrack is still made of awesome. I keep wanting to dance, but the coffee shop isn't really set up for that.